Dreaming like an Alien (Artistic Research)

How do we remain alien enough to a technology to recognize and play with its character, meaning and even absurdity, while being familiar enough to be able to dream in its internal logic*? As part of my graduate research in the context of the Research Master of Film, I collaborated with the Visual Effects & Immersive Media department ‘with these alien eyes and method’. The months grew into a year and from these experiments and collaborations the ideas for the IVF-X exhibition/VR-experience were created. This research method is ongoing, and further developed by experience. More about this will soon be published in a Publication by the Master of Film: Artistic research in and through Cinema, The Netherlands Filmacademy. Coming up this year (2020, postponed due to Corona)
*Internal logic = Ways of doing, seeing and thinking implicit to the technology
Scroll down for some process material and examples.